Lucerne Regatta 2023


A little over a week ago, the Human Impulse team had the privilege of being invited to present their project at the 3rd stage of the Rowing World Cup in Lucerne, a prestigious event in the world of rowing that takes place annually on Lake Rotsee.

Set up in front of the basin, the team captured the attention of spectators, athletes, and rowing enthusiasts. The presence of the boat, transported from Morges and freshly adorned with stickers from new sponsors, generated great interest, allowing Louis to engage directly in technical details about the adventure. He explained the challenges, preparations, and motivations driving the endeavor. Visitors were fascinated by the project, and many expressed their admiration.

Throughout the weekend, Human Impulse also sold their new caps bearing the distinctive project logo, providing attendees with an opportunity to contribute financially to this incredible adventure.

The final day of the event was marked by a surprise visit that added a special touch to this memorable weekend: the President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Thomas Bach, stopped by to learn about the project. He had a conversation with Louis and expressed his admiration for the extraordinary challenge that lies ahead.

This weekend at the Rowing World Cup in Lucerne can be summarized as a moment of sharing and connecting with people who share common passions and values.

The Human Impulse team would like to express their gratitude to several individuals for their valuable contributions. First and foremost, a big thank you to Timon Wernas, the organizer of the Lucerne Regatta, for providing the opportunity for Human Impulse to set up at the event. A special thanks is also extended to Jean-Christophe Rolland, President of World Rowing, for his ongoing support of Human Impulse. Additionally, a big thank you to Ulysse and Gerard (Team Human Impulse) for their invaluable assistance, and to Jérôme for his superb photos throughout the weekend.

« Participating in an event like this requires a lot of energy, but receiving such enthusiastic support from a passionate audience only strengthens my determination to push myself and inspire others to follow their own impulses! A big thank you again to all the people who helped this weekend. »

- Louis

Photo Credit : IOC/Greg Martin and Human Impulse/Jérôme Laurent

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+41 77 442 25 85

Address Human Impulse
Chemin de la Forge 2
1114 Colombier
